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07 22 2003 14:48:39

Health & Medical News - Autism, MMR vaccine link dismissed in study - 22/07/2003

«Fears that the incidence of autism is rising among children and that the MMR vaccine is to blame are unfounded, according to new a study in a British specialist journal. A widespread perception, in Britain and some other countries, is that autism has been on the rise since the early 1990s and that the surge has been triggered by the single-shot MMR vaccine (aimed at measles, mumps and rubella). The study in the journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood, said there was indeed a statistical rise in autism in the 1990s. But it found this was probably because doctors became better at diagnosing the condition, and parents became more willing to accept it than in the past, when the disorder was little known and a social taboo. It also shot down notions that the MMR vaccine was to blame for a new form of 'regressive autism', possibly connected with bowel problems. "The claims that MMR vaccine is involved in the initiation of autism, and/or with regression, and/or with bowel problems associated with autism are not associated with any credible scientific evidence," wrote Professor Brent Taylor of London's Royal Free and University College Medical School and colleagues. Driving the nail home, he added: "There is compelling and increasing evidence showing no association."»...
Source: http://www.abc.net.au | Source Status Categories: Lobbying/Astroturf,Analyse/Methodologie, S.C.A.M.

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