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12 31 2003 10:57:6

Broadband - Rural case studies

«Case Studies * Transforming a Rural Society: Impact of Broadband Adoption in Rural New Brunswick The New Brunswick Universities Broadband Research Consortium completed a preliminary study of Broadband adoption, use, and impacts in rural New Brunswick. The report summarizes the key findings and lessons learned from a literature review, four short case studies, and an analysis of secondary data from other sources. More Multimedia Gallery * Cedar and Silicon This 45-minute film and four vignettes show how information technology is creating exciting new opportunities for many of British Columbia's 203 First Nations communities. Telecommunications and the Internet are enhancing education, health care, governance, and the preservation of language and culture. These videos showcase how First Nations are using information and communications technology to bring transformative change to individual lives and entire communities.»...
Source: http://www.broadband.gc.ca | Source Status Category: Haut Débit

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12 31 2003 10:58:19

Propaganda model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«The propaganda model is a theory advanced by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky that alleges systemic biases in the mass media and seeks to explain them in terms of structural economic causes. Contents [hide] * 1 Overview * 2 The filters o 2.1 Ownership o 2.2 Funding o 2.3 Sourcing o 2.4 Flak o 2.5 Anti-Ideologies; substitutes for anti-communism * 3 Empirical support * 4 Applications * 5 Criticism * 6 Related organizations * 7 References o 7.1 External Links Overview First presented in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, the propaganda model views the private media as businesses selling a product ...” readers and audiences (rather than news) ...” to other businesses (advertisers). The theory postulates five general classes of "filters" that determine the type of news that is presented in news media. These five are: 1. Ownership of the medium 2. Medium's funding sources 3. Sourcing 4. Flak 5. Anti-communist ideology The first three are generally regarded by the authors as being the most important. Although the model was based mainly on the characterization of United States media, Chomsky and Herman believe the theory is equally applicable to any country that shares the basic economic structure and organizing principles which the model postulates as the cause of media biases.[1] The filters Ownership Herman and Chomsky argue that since mainstream media outlets are either large corporations or part of conglomerates (e.g. Westinghouse or General Electric), the information presented to the public will be biased with respect to these interests. Such conglomerates frequently extend beyond traditional media fields, and thus have extensive financial interests that may be endangered when certain information is widely publicized. According to this reasoning, news items that most endanger the corporate financial interests of those who own the media will face the greatest bias and censorship. The authors claim that the importance of ownership filter is the fact that corporations are subject to shareholder control in the context of a profit-oriented market economy.»...
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org | Source Status Category: Bibliographie/Fabrique de l'opinion

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