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03 30 2005

Michael Boukobza (Free) :Nous travaillons à une nouvelle Freebox compatible TV HD

«Malgré un chat un peu chaotique en raison d'un très grand nombre de connectés, le directeur général de Free a pu répondre à la curiosité des internautes : TNT, Armageddon, télévision haute définition, hotline... Bonjour, nous assistons depuis environ deux semaine à une forte chute de débit aux heures de pointes (17h-22h). Cela a-t-il un rapport avec le passage avec l'ADSL Max et l'incapacité de Free à fournir plus de bande passante ? Je me suis renseigné et, après enquête, je ne suis pas le seul dans ce cas, le problème est plus ou moins général sur les connexions non degroupées. Merci d'apporter votre réponse a ce gros problème.» [...] «Quelle est la position de Free vis à vis de la FFTH (fibre optique jusqu'au domicile de l'abonné) ? qui sera sûrement la suite des technologies XDSL... Free reste 100 % focalisé sur les technos DSL qui utilisent une infrastructure essentielle : la paire de cuivre (que tout le monde possède). Ce qui évite le fiber to home (fibre à la maison) qui conduirait à de très très gros travaux et de très très gros investissements. »...
Source: http://www.journaldunet.com | Source Status

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03 28 2005 10:38:39

The FUD-based Encyclopedia

«Dismantling fear, uncertainty, and doubt, aimed at Wikipedia and other free knowledge resources Mind set | Easy By Aaron Krowne Online on: 2005-03-28 In this article, I respond to Robert McHenry's anti-Wikipedia piece entitled "The Faith-Based Encyclopedia." I argue that McHenry's points are contradictory and incoherent and that his rhetoric is selective, dishonest and misleading. I also consider McHenry's points in the context of all Commons-Based Peer Production (CBPP), showing how they are part of a Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD) campaign against CBPP. Further, I introduce some principles, which will help to explain why and how CBPP projects can succeed, and I discuss alternative ways they may be organized, which will address certain concerns. Introduction Recently, a friend of mine passed a rather noteworthy online article my way. The article, published in Tech Central Station, was entitled "The Faith-Based Encyclopedia," and was written by Robert McHenry [McHenry, 2004]. McHenry, the Former Editor in Chief of the Encyclopedia Britannica, was quite critical of Wikipedia in this article. Perhaps this comes as no surprise to readers who are already detecting the potential for a slight conflict of interest here. Still, I expected to learn something from this article, as Wikipedia is not perfect, and McHenry seemed like a reputable individual. Instead, I was greeted with an onslaught of FUD that left me flabbergasted. I can honestly say I learned nothing from "The Faith-Based Encyclopedia." The goal of FUD is to make money when the free software competition cannot be defeated fairly in the marketplace For the uninitiated, FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt." It is a term popular within the free software community, used to describe the use of lies and deceptive rhetoric, aimed chiefly at free software projects. It is an accurate term. In brief, the goal of FUD is to make money when the free software competition cannot be defeated fairly in the marketplace. This can be done by scaring consumers through wild propaganda, or more recently, confusing courts through more subtle arguments.»...
Source: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com | Source Status Category: Stratégies d'Influence/FUD

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