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08 24 2005 15:52:33

Migrating to VDSL2

«Migrating to VDSL2 by Ben Runyan, Director of Product Marketing 8/24/2005 With international approval of the VDSL2 (G.993.2) standard in May 2005, telephone carriers now have the opportunity to upgrade both upstream and downstream bandwidth to their subscribers and to thereby offer valuable new services such as IPTV, interactive gaming, peer-to-peer file sharing and videoconferencing. VDSL2 chipsets can be designed to deliver up to 100Mbps of symmetrical bandwidth to each subscriber. In addition, these chipsets incorporate previous functionality outlined in the ADSL (G.992.1), ADSL2+ (G.992.3 and G.992.5) and VDSL (G.993.1) standards, making VDSL2 a multi-mode solution for a broad range of service needs. Asian and European carriers are already operating VDSL-based services, and U.S. carriers such as SBC and BellSouth have indicated that VDSL2 will be part of their fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC) and fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) deployment plans.»...
Source: http://www.convergedigest.com | Source Status Category:

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08 01 2005 15:43:21

Link in Danone report investigated - International Herald Tribune

«PARIS: Just over three weeks ago, a French business magazine,Challenges, published what it called a "new rumor" about a takeover of the French multinational company Danone by PepsiCo, the American food and beverage giant. The one-paragraph article sparked a political furorin France and pushed Danone's stock market value up by as much as5 billion. What the magazine did not disclose is that one of its columnists andeditorial consultants, Christine Mital, is the sister of Danone'schief executive officer, Franck Riboud. This family link has been a source of intrigue for some financialanalysts and shareholders in France who have been baffled by thewhole episode and who are eager to understand the source of theinitial takeover rumor, which Pepsi has now denied.»...
Source: http://www.iht.com | Source Status Category: Patriotisme Economique

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