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06 26 2006 19:25:16

Domain kiting continues out of control!

«Domain kiting continues out of control! The numbers are now in for May 2006 and the domain kiting problem continues to rage out of control. In fact, it's as bad as ever. 92.3% of May registrations were kited domains! Consider this: Just over 35 million names were registered for the month of May. Of those just over 2.7 million were permanent registrations. That means that 92.3% of all domain names registered were part of a scam now known as domain kiting. These names were kept off of the market, they were used to generate search engine revenue - AND BECAUSE OF A LOOPHOLE ICANN REFUSES TO ELIMINATE - those 32.3 million names were used without being paid for. A huge problem that affects everyone. If you do not know what domain kiting is all about, there is a primer at the end of this blog article. You should find a quick glance through that to be helpful. Domain kiting hurts all Internet users. It helps only the fat cats who have the money and power positions to take advantage of the domain kiting scheme.»...
Source: http://www.bobparsons.com | Source Status Category: PI/Naming

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06 16 2006 15:23:22

Charges hang over MMR doctor - Times Online

«Research by Andrew Wakefield, published in 1998, suggested a link between the triple measles, mumps and rubella jab and autism and bowel problems. Public concern over the findings led to a large drop in the vaccination rate. The GMC is understood to have preliminary charged Dr Wakefield with publishing inadequately founded research, failing to obtain ethical approval, obtaining funding improperly and subjecting children to unnecessary and invasive investigations. A spokeswoman for the council said yesterday that Dr Wakefield was under investigation for alleged misconduct but was unable to detail the charges. "During the course of an investigation, charges are formulated . . . These charges change and evolve," she said. Dr Wakefield was discredited after large-scale studies failed to find evidence of a link between autism and the jab.»...
Source: http://www.timesonline.co.uk | Source Status Categories: Lobbying/Astroturf,Analyse/Methodologie, S.C.A.M.

Posted by "G.C.'s newsbot" Permalink | Categories: Lobbying/Astroturf,Analyse/Methodologie, S.C.A.M. | Admin | Cache

06 16 2006 9:45:2

Gergorin revele ses ficelles mais pas sa source

«Au sein d'EADS, Jean-Louis Gergorin avait le titre de vice-président exécutif, directeur de la coordination stratégique. L'intitulé veut tout et rien dire à la fois. Mis en examen pour «dénonciation calomnieuse» dans l'affaire du corbeau de Clearstream après avoir avoué être l'auteur des envois anonymes, entendu longuement les 30 et 31 mai lors de sa garde à vue initiale, reconvoqué avant-hier par les juges d'instruction Jean-Marie d'Huy et Henri Pons, Jean-Louis Gergorin a eu l'occasion de préciser les contours de sa mission: il était «responsable de l'intelligence économique d'EADS». L'intelligence économique, c'est la dernière tarte à la crème du big business. L'appellation «économie de l'intelligence», ironise un détracteur qui s'y connait recouvre au mieux des activités de veille (compilation de documents publics, disponibles sur le Net ou au greffe des tribunaux de commerce), au pire d'antiques pratiques barbouzardes (écoutes téléphoniques, filatures, fouille de poubelles...). Ses praticiens sont souvent d'anciens flics ou agents secrets, mais aussi de jeunes diplômés qui croient en la rectitude du métier. Le cas Gergorin résume les possibilités et impasses de l'intelligence économique.»...
Source: http://www.mail-archive.com | Source Status Category: Intelligence Economique/Image

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