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06 30 2005


«Le droit de contrôler et surveiller l’activité des salariés pendant le temps de travail est un principe intangible à charge de respecter deux principes fondamentaux : Article 9 du Code Civil « Chacun a droit au respect de sa vie privée. » Article L 121-8 du Code du Travail « Aucune information concernant personnellement un salarié ou un candidat à un emploi ne peut être collecté par un dispositif qui n’a pas été porté préalablement à la connaissance du salarié ou du candidat à l’emploi. »»...
Source: http://www.orsay-cabinet.avocat.fr | Source Status

Posted by Igentia IE-NewsBot Permalink | Categories: Juridique | Admin | Cache

06 05 2005


«One of the most important distinctions is social psychology is the difference between conformity and compliance Group conformity is typically internally motivated , such as normative or informational influence We accept influence from others because we want to As you might expect, when people accept influence because they feel it is their choice, the attitudes and behaviors are more likely to generalize and do not require surveillance. The results from conforming could be instrumental (rewarding), contribute to our self-identity (value-expressive), or they could make life more meaningful (accepting religious doctorines or political ideologies, for example). Generally people who hold leadership roles in organizations are more likely to conform to that organization's norms.»...
Source: http://syp5105-01.fa02.fsu.edu | Source Status

Posted by Igentia IE-NewsBot Permalink | Categories: Bibliographie | Admin | Cache

06 05 2005

Protest Research

«Professor Pamela Oliver Department of Sociology Protests and Social Movements Media, Politics & Protest Models of Collective Action My current work on research on protests and social movements falls into two somewhat-overlapping projects empirical studies of the interrelations of protests, news coverage, and political processes development of formal models of the coevolution of social movements and cycles of protest work summarized on this page was supported in part by NSFgrants #SBR9819884, SBR 96-01409 and SBR 95-11748. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.»...
Source: http://www.ssc.wisc.edu | Source Status

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